April 19, 2024

Michigan mother jailed for refusing to vaccinate child

A 40-year-old Michigan anti-vaxxer has been sentenced to seven days jail.

A 40-year-old Michigan woman has been sentenced to seven days jail after disobeying a court order to have her son vaccinated.

Rebecca Bredow, who describes herself as an “educated vaccine-choice mother”, was ordered by Oakland County Circuit Judge Karen McDonald in late September to have her child immunised; she had been taken to court by her ex-husband and the child’s father, James Horne, who told the court that Bredow had reneged on a previous agreement to have the child vaccinated.

Bredow deliberately ignored Judge McDonald’s order to have the child immunised, and was soon back in the County courthouse declaring that, “I would rather sit behind bars standing up for what I believe in, than giving in to something I strongly don't believe in”.

Judge McDonald ordered that parents be given equal custody of the child, and that the boy should be vaccinated while Bredow was in jail.

Bredow has since served her short sentence (she was released after five days, under special Oakland Country Jail rules). “It was the worst five days of my life pretty much,” she told reporters on Wednesday, “except for the fact that I just found out that he was vaccinated and I'm not going to get him back today.”

The Bredow case is the latest of a string of high-profile anti-vaxxer cases in America that have resulted in strong punitive measures against objecting parents.

Michigan mother jailed for refusing to vaccinate child
Xavier Symons
Creative commons
conscientious objection