April 18, 2024

Clarification about artificial wombs

BioEdge 175 reported that Israeli ethicist Frida Simonstein, of Ben Gurion University, had “proposed the creation of artificial wombs to solve social and medical reproductive problems”, based on a report in the London Times. Ms Simonstein has asked BioEdge to clarify that she was only proposing a serious discussion of the ethically controversial issue of artificial wombs before they are developed. I do believe that we must start discussing this topic now, while we have still enough time to decide what we may want, and why,” she writes.


British strongly support embryo research

A survey shows that 77% of Britons fully support early embryo research, at least for some purpose, and only 11% believe that it is never acceptable. “The campaign in America against research of this kind finds almost no echo in this country,” says the Daily Telegraph. The figures were based on a poll by the private polling company YouGov. About 40% were prepared to allow the creation of human embryos solely for research. About a quarter were prepared to permit this even for minor ailments such as short-sightedness. Almost half felt that embryo research was appropriate only for life-threatening diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

Only one in 6 Britons believes that embryos are human persons from the moment of conception and should be given the same protection as newborns. About 75% thought that up until 14 days embryos were not fully human and deserved only limited protection at best.