April 26, 2024

Oregon senate approves ban on suicide kits

The Oregon House of Representatives has approved a ban on the sale and marketing of suicide kits, a month after senators voted unanimously for a similar bill.

Oregon House of Representatives has approved a ban on the sale and marketing of suicide kits,
a month after senators voted unanimously for a similar bill. The House passed
the bill 52-6. The bills were presented after 29-year-old Oregonian Nick
Klonoski used a suicide kit to end his life in December. “After learning of a
young man who took his life using a helium hood he bought, it became obvious
that there were no checks and balances of marketing suicide kits,” said State
Sen. Floyd Prozanski, who supported the bill in the senate. “Minors had access
to the kits through the Internet, and I personally don’t believe we need to be
marketing an object like a suicide kit.” ~ ABC News, Jun 13

Oregon senate approves ban on suicide kits
Jared Yee
suicide kits