April 26, 2024

Swedish researchers find new method to avoid twins while maintaining high live birth rates

Swedish researchers have found a reliable way of deciding whether one or two embryos should be transferred during fertility treatment.
researchers have found a reliable way of deciding whether one or two embryos
should be transferred during fertility treatment. The method simultaneously
maintains a high chance of women giving birth to a live baby and reduces the
chance of twins. Dr Jan Holte told the annual meeting of the European Society
for Human Reproduction and Embryology that if this model were to be applied to
all fertility clinics, it has the potential to lower twin rates to the level of
just under 2% seen in the normal population. Another four clinics have started
using the model.

Sweden leads the world in attempts to decrease multiple
pregnancies by transferring only one embryo to a woman’s womb during fertility
treatment whenever possible. In 2007, 69.9% of embryo transfers were single
embryos, 30.1% were double embryo transfers, and only 5.3% of deliveries after
fertility treatment were multiple deliveries – the smallest multiple delivery
rate in the world.

pregnancies carry significant risks for both mothers and babies. Complications
can include miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, cerebral palsy and
death. ~ Science Daily,
Jul 5

Swedish researchers find new method to avoid twins while maintaining high live birth rates
Jared Yee