April 27, 2024

More information needed about end-of-life care

Little high-quality data available

New guidelines for end-of-life care admit that there is very little “high-quality information about palliative and end-of-life care”. The guidelines, issued by the American College of Physicians, focus on managing symptoms which might otherwise decrease quality of life for dying patients. For example, they urge physicians to regularly assess patients for pain, shortness of breath, and depression and prescribe appropriate medication. One limitation of the available knowledge about palliative care is that most studies have focused on cancer. But this information may not apply to patients dying of heart disease, lung disease or dementia. The guidelines also exclude many interventions that have not yet been adequately studied, such as nutritional support, complementary therapies, and spiritual care, without dismissing them as useless. They could be beneficial, but much more research is needed. ~ Annals of Internal Medicine, Feb 26

One thought on “More information needed about end-of-life care

  1. I am wanting to use this graphic in an email that announces our Care of the Dying Patient module. And if possible I would like to use it in the article itself.
    Please let me know as soon as you can.
    I cannot find the origination point for this graphic.
    Thanks much!

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