April 25, 2024

Lesbian couple share load of quad pregnancy

California women each have two children created from one set of eggs.
Karen Wesolowski (R) and Martha Padgett (L) with their quadsf twinsAnother dispatch
from the frontiers of artificial reproductive technology. This time a lesbian
couple in California has had quadruplets. All four children came from one
woman’s eggs, and one man’s sperm, but the partners shared the load of the
pregnancy with each carrying two of the children.

Here’s how it
happened. Karen Wesolowski and Martha Padgett were 42 and 38 respectively.
After Ms Wesolowski tried unsuccessfully for three years to become pregnant, Ms
Padgett volunteered her own eggs. To maximise the chance of having a child,
their IVF doctor implanted two embryos in each. To their surprise, all four
were born. "We’re so thrilled, knowing they’re all related and can help
each other through life," says Ms Wesolowski. "Now we have four
babies who are all brothers and sisters. Our family is complete."

Complete — and a
bit complicated. Ms Padgett already has a 10-year-old daughter by her former
husband, David, who still visits. The quads’ father is an anonymous sperm
donor. Family reunions could be tense. ~ London
Telegraph, July 30

One thought on “Lesbian couple share load of quad pregnancy

  1. Apparently 1 in 42 pregnancies produce twins, triples or quads, but I wonder what the statistics are for lesbian couples.Having twins is really such a blessing. So much more so for quads…

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